& Bay Area Discovery Museum, 2010 Summer Floor Reports
& Fairfax Japanese Playdate (Pictures)

Thursday, November 11, 2010



Transforming Children’s Learning to Address America’s Creativity Crisis
by Ann My Thai | Sep 9, 2010


内容は、Newsweekの"The Creativity Crisis"(http://bit.ly/avK5Oi)という論文の『過去20年間で、どれだけアメリカの創造力が減ってしまったか! どうしよう!!』っていう話を元に、アメリカの教育システムは学力重視(記憶力とか)の方向へ行ってるけど、いったいどうしたらいいのか!! って話。

1500社のCEOたちにアンケートで聞いた結果、テストで満点が取れる人よりも、 新しい発想で問題解決できる人の方を採用したい!って事が解ったり、
ヨーロッパや中国は創造力を育てるプログラムへと移行してるのに、アメリカはその逆に向かってるけど、どうする??? とか、



- Communication skills: Ability to communicate clearly and concisely; capacity to efficiently manage communication channels (email, social media) to collaborate and influence others
- Pro-Activeness: Ability and willingness to act, take initiative to set an idea in motion
- Problem-solving skills: Ability to arrive at new solutions by looking beyond obvious or traditional approaches
- Curiosity: Ability to ask the right questions that lead to solutions
- Risk-taking: Being open to risk (and thus failure); openness to trying something new

④好奇心:問題解決へと繋がる “正しい” 質問をすることが出来る力

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Postcard For The Best Friend

Kai had a lot of friends in Fairfax, and especially, a boy who lived in the same apartment was a special friend. Kai always visited his room, and the friend visited our room too. I felt he was like Kai’s brother. And, you know, the best friends: whatever he liked, Kai liked. Kai spoke like he spoke, etc, etc.

In Hong Kong, Kai always talks about this friend, so I suggested sending a letter for him. We went to a gift shop, Kai spent a long time to choose a post card. Kai chose fireworks postcard. Kai said, “because he doesn’t know!!” In deed, we saw this fireworks on October 1st for Chinese National Day.  It was one of the spectacular experiences in HK.




Kai writing “Dear…  I love you,”


(Sorry!! I wrote on the card that Kai was drawing “a Roller Coaster,” but it was a playground which he wanted to take him!!)


The other day, we visited a post office.

PB010266 Kai waiting in a line patiently. Everywhere in Hong Kong, we have to wait in a long line…





Kai put stamp on and put in the mail box.
