A girl, Kai met recently, moved into another town, right away.
Kai wrote a letter for her asking, "Come to my home and play."
The girl wrote back and asked, "which bus stop should I take?", so we went to see the but stop near our appartment.
(バス停の写真を遠くから撮る: Far sight)
(バスの写真を撮る: the bus)
(降りるバス停の写真を撮る: Close-up the bus stop)
At home, Kai wrote a leter with printed out pictures.
切ったり、貼ったりしながら、出来るだけ見て解りやすいようにバス停に丸を付けたり、矢印を書いたり。 “バスの写真を道路の上に走らせる!”ってアイデアに気付いた時は、すごく嬉しそうでした。
Cut & paste, allow and circle. We tried to make the letter to be easy to recognize. When Kai got the idea to put "the bus picture" on the "street picture," he seemed really happy.

いつになく、かなり真剣です: Unusually, he is serious.