Mabo Kuwata (Discovery Educator)
Bay Area Discovery Museum は、ACM(Association of Children’s Museum)という、全米約165、世界で341のチルドレン・ミュージアムで作るネットワークに入っています。 アメリカでは、いくつかのミュージアムがテーマに沿った展示を作り、それが、各地のミュージアムを数カ月ずつ巡回することになっており、現在、BADMには、The Children’s Museum of Memphis が作成した “Living In Space” という展示が来ています。
BADM is a museum member of Association of Children’s Museum, which includes 341 museums in 22 countries in the world, and 165 ACM museums are located in the U.S. Some of the U.S. museums make exhibits, and those exhibits travel museum to museum. Now, the exhibit, “Living In Space,” which the Children's Museum of Memphis made, is here.
It’s about space!!
アートスタジオ10では、”Project Imagine”を継続しながら、 この宇宙の展示を意識した環境を整えている最中です。
Since the space exhibit came, our Art Studio 10 is in a process of transforming its environment. We are trying to set the studio room up to inspire and spark children’s imagination into the SPACE, while we continue the basic philosophy of “Project Imagine,” which means that we encourage children to imagine what they want to make, and we offer the materials, tools, and supports for children to experience the process of creation.
そのうちの一つとして、上の写真のSpace Mobileが、育っています。
As one of the room setting, Space Mobile (picture above) is growing.
それと、宇宙とは関係無いのですが、Studio 5から、ハンドプリントです。
And, this is totally off topic, but a handprint in my hand from Studio 5.
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