& Bay Area Discovery Museum, 2010 Summer Floor Reports
& Fairfax Japanese Playdate (Pictures)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

BADM Floor Report, July 29 2010

Satterlee Road

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We got DOTS!


Look Out Cove, Gravel Pit

  2 1

 4 3

I found two boys working more than 20 min to build parking spaces for their trucks. I was really interested how differently they made those parking lot. By the way, those two boys were, at first,  strangers. They were playing next each other, and later, with mom’s scaffolding for social interaction, they became friends. Actually, their names were the same!!

Anyway, when I saw one boy’s eyes, I could tell how deep he was in his immersion in his construction. You know, the eyes with a deep concentration: shiny but focused on one place, winkles in between his eyes,  quiet, moving but not fast, and so on. I could tell that he was thinking, planning, imagining for his parking space.

On the other hand, the other boy was observing, exploring and discovering what he could do with those materials. When he put a large red panel in the gravel, he told me with a bit smile, “Oh! Look!!” He made it standing  like a slope. It was different, it was his original, and it was his discovery. And, he kept making this slopes and used them for his construction.

Two different ways in construction: “plan and make it!” or  “feel and make it!”

There are some researches for those differences, “It’s examples of left brain user and right brain user!!” or, “It’s Multi-intelligence theory!! One is advanced for spatial skill, and another one is good  for inter-personal skill” or something.


I am not sure what theory tells us, but I think the most important point is that those two children were watching each other. They (and I) were teaching and learning from their differences.

I’m really happy to see those moments.

Studio 10


In addition to Tot Spot, Hula Hoop

I found great hoop people at San Rafael Farmers Market,

And, here, my son tries…

Sunday, July 25, 2010

BADM Floor Report: Tot Spot ART

Everyday, I find something new at Tot Spot Art Area.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BADM Floor Report, July 20 2010

Before I write anything, I would like to say, “Thank you!!” for all of our BADM guests.

Last few days, I’ve noticed that the strollers were parked really nice and organized way! I am really appreciate for this, and I am proud of all our guests.

Thank you so much.



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Art Studio 5

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In Art Studio 5, instead of water color and magnet blocks, we set up a larger table for “A Bottom of a Toy Box.” We offer a variety of toys for children, so each child will have an opportunity to explore, discover, imagine, connect, and immerse in own pace.

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A house for a whale? I never thought about that, but children came with own ideas.

From Building 559


At lunch time, I was watching outside.

I saw a girl, maybe 3 or 4y. She was skipping. I did not know what happened to her, but her face was a full of smile.


I saw babies.

Standing on own two feet made him a big smile.

Moving own arms and making sounds on a drum made her feel such a pride.


Of course, I can skip, I can stand, and I can play music.


Do I smile like them?

Children’s smiles reminded me something I might forget.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

BADM Floor Report, July 15


Today was a really nice weather!P7150065

In front of TOT SPOT, I saw a girl waving her hand like good-bye. I thought she was waving to me, so I waved back. And then, I, quickly, leaned that it wasn’t for me because she said, “Bye-bye dancing fairies!”

This was her dancing fairy.


TOT SPOTの前で、女の子が手を振ってるのを見ました。 『自分に手を振ってるのかな?』と思って、手を振りましたが、すぐに間違いだと気づきました。 その女の子がこう言ったんです。 「バイバイ! 踊ってる妖精さん!」 彼女は、上のビデオに映る、綿毛のようなモノに話しかけてたんですね。 子供の想像力のすごさに、改めて感動しました。


In Art Studio 10, we got some new layout.


1. A space ship:宇宙船


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Left: The space ship, outer space and Brian. 左:宇宙船、宇宙とブライアン

Up: The view from inside of the space ship 上:宇宙船の中からの景色



2. A puppet theater:人形劇場



When we make a “Space Friend,” or any creatures, we can play at this theater!!

Or, you can borrow a puppet that already somebody made for you.








※I would love to say thank you for all the staffs and children who worked for this!!





In front of Wave Workshop, the baby Cliff Swallows are growing.

I counted 83 nests last week, and I’m expecting the babies to start flying pretty soon. 

Cliff Swallows (Allaboutbirds.org)

Wave Workshopの前では、赤ちゃんツバメたちが順調に育ってます。

先週数えたら、83個の巣が確認できました。 もうすぐ飛ぶ練習を始めるんでしょうね!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

BADM Floor Report:Recycle & Recreate



最近は、“リサイクル”という概念が幼児教育の現場にも取り入れられるようになってきました。 バークレーアーバインにある、アドベンチャープレイグランドは、まさにリサイクル品と子供たちのRecreateで出来たプレイグランドですし、Reggio EmiliaのREMIDAのような、幼児の創作活動をターゲットに絞ったリサイクルセンターが、Santa Monica(reDiscover)や、San Jose (RAFT)などにも出来ています。 また、ベイエリアのプリスクールにおいても、リサイクル素材を使ったプロジェクトが報告されつつあります (Beautiful Stuff!: Learning with Found Materials, 1999)。

Recently, the concept of “Recycle” spread into the field of early childhood education. The Adventure Playground in Berkeley or Irvine is, literally, the children’s re-creation with recycled materials. And, we can find recycled material centers, which focus on children’s hands-on re-creation like REMIDA in Reggio Emilia, in Santa Monica (reDiscover), San Jose & Redwood City (RAFT), and so on. Moreover, some of the preschool projects for recycled materials are reported by Topal and Gandini in Beautiful Stuff!: Learning with Found Materials, 1999.

Adventure Playground
 (Berkeley, CA)


In this playground, children build play structures by recycled materials.


reDiscover (Santa Monica, CA)


They collect so many kinds of materials from local business for education purpose.

BADMにおいても、リサイクル材料を使ったプロジェクト ”Project Imagine ” が、アートスタジオ10にて進行中です! 子供たちの想像力により、トイレットペーパーの芯やカップが、宇宙船となり、飛び出していきます!!

At BADM, the recycled materials are used in “Project Imagine” at Studio 10.

You know, with children’s imagination, toilet paper roll becomes a SPACE SHIP and fly away!!


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Those recycled materials are brought by museum staff’s and museum guests.


(Picture below: From my apartment, I collect a lot of good stuffs!! Thank you for my neighbors!)


 My neighbors commented how great this project was!!