& Bay Area Discovery Museum, 2010 Summer Floor Reports
& Fairfax Japanese Playdate (Pictures)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

BADM Floor Report: The Outer Space Mobile is Growing 育ってます。

Mabo Kuwata (Discovery Educator)







Bay Area Discovery Museum は、ACM(Association of Children’s Museum)という、全米約165、世界で341のチルドレン・ミュージアムで作るネットワークに入っています。 アメリカでは、いくつかのミュージアムがテーマに沿った展示を作り、それが、各地のミュージアムを数カ月ずつ巡回することになっており、現在、BADMには、The Children’s Museum of Memphis が作成した “Living In Space” という展示が来ています。




BADM is a museum member of Association of Children’s Museum, which includes 341 museums in 22 countries in the world, and 165 ACM museums are located in the U.S. Some of the U.S. museums make exhibits, and those exhibits travel museum to museum. Now, the exhibit, “Living In Space,” which the Children's Museum of Memphis made, is here.


It’s about space!!


アートスタジオ10では、”Project Imagine”を継続しながら、 この宇宙の展示を意識した環境を整えている最中です。

Since the space exhibit came, our Art Studio 10 is in a process of transforming its environment. We are trying to set the studio room up to inspire and spark children’s imagination into the SPACE, while we continue the basic philosophy of “Project Imagine,” which means that we encourage children to imagine what they want to make, and we offer the materials, tools, and supports for children to experience the process of creation. 


そのうちの一つとして、上の写真のSpace Mobileが、育っています。

As one of the room setting, Space Mobile (picture above) is growing.



それと、宇宙とは関係無いのですが、Studio 5から、ハンドプリントです。

And, this is totally off topic, but a handprint in my hand from Studio 5.


Monday, June 28, 2010


Bay Area Discovery Museumで働き始めて、3週間。 たくさんの方たちの笑顔を見ることが出来て、なんて幸せな仕事なんだろう!と思う毎日です。

Since I started working at BADM, it has been three weeks. I am surrounded by so many smiles, and everyday, I feel how lucky I am to work such a place.


それと、最近思うのは、 『ほんとに、みんな違うんだなぁー』 って事。

Recently, what I noticed was that everybody is really different.


ミュージアムの施設やオモチャは、基本的に毎日、同じものがおいてあります。例えば、マグネットブロック(△と□のみ)とか。 でも、その同じブロックで、毎日、誰かが新しいものを作ってる。 スゴイなぁ~と思います。(写真は、三角で出来たテントと、屋根です。 きちんと入り口のスペースが開けてあります。)



Everyday, the museum’s exhibit and toys are basically the same. For example, the magnet blocks; the triangles and squares. But, everyday, somebody makes something new!!  Look the picture above! A girl made this “tent” by triangles. She carefully made an open space for the entrance!

It is true fact of that, in the early childhood education, we all know that every child has own way to learn and there is Multi Intelligence theory to support it. And, in this museum, I’m facing to those differences, a hundreds and thousands of differences !!! I’m really amazed.




ミュージアムは、プリスクールと違って、お子様は必ず保護者同伴となっています。 だから、この3週間で、おそらく500組みくらいの家族を見てきたと思います。



教科書で学んだ家族スタイルが、目の前に現れたような感じがします。 もちろん、どのようなスタイルの家族が良いとか悪いとかではなく、それぞれの違いからくるニーズの違い。 それにあわせたサービスが提供できればいいなぁ~と思いながら眺めています。


Also, I noticed the differences of family structures.

Unlike preschool, every child visits the museum with their caregivers. And, you know, in the textbook of child development (again!), they say that there is so many different types of family structure, so we need to consider about it.


I see it here!!

Nuclear family, single parent family, big family, kinship family, same sex family, etc.

The important point is that I’m not judging anything. Everyday, I’m observing the differences of family structures, and I’m thinking what can I do for them? What is their needs? How can I make them to feel more comfortable  and make their visit more effective?



子育ての違いは、民族文化的な背景から、その保護者さんの個人的な性格まで、いろーんな要素が組み合わさっています。 ですが、だいたい4つの分野に分けることが出来るそうです。 細かい指示を子どもに与える方、逆に、子どもを放ったらかしにする方など。



There is one more difference I see everyday. It is parenting style. The text book says that there are four types of parenting styles; authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. Again, I’m not saying that which style is better or not.

Actually, when I became a parent, I learned that even in a day, I change my parenting style. You know, when I have time to play, I would stay permissive, but when I have to do so many things, I become more authoritarian or uninvolved, and so on.



こうやって、毎日、すごい数の “違い” に接していると、何が子供にとって一番良いのか?解らなくなってきます。





How can I say?

I’m facing to so many differences, and you know, this is museum. Children go through me so quick. I have only few minutes to observe children and families. Some time, it is only few second.

What can I do in this few second as an educator?

I’m thinking…

Saturday, June 12, 2010



A month past since the last update.


そして、実は今、サウサリート、ゴールデンゲートブリッジのすぐ下にあるBay Area Discovery Museumにて、”Discovery Educator”として、フルタイムで働かせて頂いてます。 このミュージアムは、未満児~就学前のお子様を対象にデザインされており、とっても素敵な所です! もう、自分は、大好きです!!!

We visited Maine, Boston, and LA, so it was a busy month for us. And, now, actually, I have started working at Bay Area Discovery Museum as a “Discovery Educator”.  This is a great place for children, and I love it!!!


プレイデートに、うちのミュージアムを使って頂くと言うのも、いいかと思いますし、ストーリータイムの時に、紙芝居を取り入れたり、日本語の絵本を読んでも良いですし。 もちろん、ストーリータイムを逃した場合には、自分が勝手に本を読みますので、気軽に声をおかけ下さい!!

I think it might be an idea to use this museum as a place for playdate. Also, I can play Kamishibai or Japanese Children’s book at the story time. If you miss the story time, which is 11:30am, I can make an instant story time for you, so let me know!!



If you plan to visit, let me know!! I will welcome you!

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